Particular areas of focus have included matters related to market access for goods, services/ investment, financial services, and government procurement as well as the texts covering intellectual property, competition, and environmental issues. 特别关注的领域包括商品的市场准入、服务和投资、金融服务、政府采购以及有关知识产权、竞争和环境问题的文本。
The Product Development and Innovation Institute promoted Hong Kong's capability in innovation and invention, covering also intellectual property rights services. 创新产品开发院致力提升本港在创新及发明方面的能力,并提供知识产权的相关服务;
These properties include covering ability, light-blocking efficiency, adhering intensity, anti-removal ability, solubility in solvents and long-term storage property etc. 这些性能包括覆盖性能,遮光率,粘结强度和抗清除、抗溶剂、储存性能等。
Asean, Australia and New Zealand completed negotiations for a free-trade agreement covering goods, services, investment and intellectual property. 东盟、澳大利亚和新西兰完成了涵盖商品、服务、投资和知识产权的自由贸易协定谈判。
This article presents the experimental results concerning the effects of four types of covering layers on the sound absorptive property of a fiber glass board. 本文通过试验探讨了四种覆面展对玻璃棉板吸声性能的影响。
Weak Base and Covering Property 弱基与覆盖性质
Drawing forming property of cold rolled steel sheet has important effect upon the forming technology of motor vehicle body covering parts. Rapidly and accurately measuring the cold rolled steel sheet forming property is a pre-requisite condition of quality control for the forming technology. 冷轧薄钢板的拉延成型性能对汽车覆盖件成型工艺具有重要影响,快速、准确地测量冷轧薄钢板成型性能是对覆盖件成型工艺进行质量控制的前提条件。
Testing of Covering Property to Knitted Fabric 针织物包覆性能的测试
This essay, on the basis of the explanation of cognitive function of frame and psycho base, gives emphasis to conceptual frame, situational frame and socio cultural frame, covering their nature, property, as well as the condition of application to discourse analysis. 本文在阐释框架的认知功能和心理理据基础上,着重分析了概念框架观、情景框架观以及社会文化框架观的性质、特征及其在话语分析中的应用条件。
This article introduces the covering principle of entangled mulberry silk/ spandex core spun yarn with silk reeling and covering simultaneously. Analysing its main physical property indicates that it possesses excellent property. 本文介绍了缫丝、包缠同时进行的网络茧丝/氨纶包芯丝的包缠原理,分析了其主要的物理性能。
Effects of covering layers on the sound absorptive property of a fibre glass board 覆面层对玻璃棉吸声性能的影响
Let Λ be a fundamental point-lattice, a rectangle is said to have the lattice point covering property if it always has at least one lattice point of Λ in its interior, or on its boundary, regardless of where it is placed in the plane. ∧为基本格点,给定一矩形,若将其置于平面上的任一位置,均有格点落入矩形内或其边界上,则称该矩形具有格点覆盖性质。
In the first chapter, the formation of topological space theory is simply introduced, as well as some knowledge about covering property and hyperspaces. 本文在第一章中简单的介绍了拓扑空间理论的形成,以及与覆盖性质、超空间相关的一些的知识。
Surface analysis shows that there is a graphite covering on the surface. The self-lubrication of graphite reduces wear and improves the discharge of pellets, while the steel die can't compare with it in this property. 经表面分析,压模部分表面被石墨覆盖,石墨的自润滑作用,减少了磨损并导致出粒性的改善,这是钢模不能比拟的。
The mechanical property test of the model covering 3 stages under 10 load conditions is carried out to study the loading property of through truss composite beam with simple support. 分3个阶段10种荷载工况进行模型的力学性能试验,研究简支下承式钢桁结合梁桥的受力性能。
Because the automobile covering parts are usually complex, good material property is beneficial for the forming process of covering parts. 而由于汽车上的覆盖件较为复杂,成形这些零件对板料性能也有一定要求。
The system consists of household management, property management, fees management, complaints management, repair management and system management module, and its function covering all aspects of residential property management. 本系统功能基本涵盖了小区物业管理的各个方面。
It is covering, as we know, that the tool is in the general topology for transition of property from the local to the macroscopic. 从一般拓扑中我们知道,把局部性质过渡到整体性质,一个很重要的工具就是覆盖。
The research of Fe-N compound experienced a long way, covering the study on surface mechanical property and magnetic property. Although this technology has been greatly developed both in theory and in application, some problems can not still be solved. 有关Fe-N化合物的研究经历了漫长的道路,从最初对表面机械性能的影响研究开始,到近期有关磁性的探索研究,氮化工艺在理论和应用上都得到了很大的发展。
Tens of thousands of kilometers of inland routes covering one-third of the country, both sides of the river trade routes bank protection works guarding the lives and property of our residents. 我国内河航线覆盖三分之一的国土面积,内河航线两侧几万公里的护岸工程守护着我国居民的生命和财产安全。